A Healthy Lifestyle for Our Kids

The Kelowna Family YMCA is a fantastic charity that offers families in our community access to facilities to stay fit and be active. In sponsorship with Interior Savings, the YMCA Healthy Kid's Day event is taking place today at the Rutland Sports Fields. There are more than 50 'Healthy Activity Stations' with games and activities for kids of all ages to participate in, plus free food and drinks!

Hiking Kelowna's Black Mountain

Ever wanted to hike Black Mountain in Kelowna? Here's some trail info and a story of my latest adventure... Spring has sprung and the warm sunny days the past couple weeks has me wanting to get outside more. Through the winter months I had been less adventurous than I would usually be, spending a lot of time working away on business planning, branding, marketing, research and other elements that go into launching a successful business. Nothing revitalizes like spring though!

5-point Strategy for Selling Your Home With A Pool

It was 18C and sunny here this afternoon and I was looking at a home in Kelowna's Rutland neighbourhood that had a beautiful backyard with a large covered deck and huge in ground pool when the question arose, "How does the pool affect the value of my home?" Turns out, when the home was last purchased the newly retired couple had their differences; he had always wanted a pool but she didn't want one. Fast forward twenty years and she can recall countless stories of her children and grand children enjoying the pool. Sometimes you don't just don't really know until you give it a try but not every one is willing to take on that experience, so if you list a dazzling property like this, how do you maximize the benefit of this special focal point while you also minimize the undermining effect of possibly seeming like a burden.

Moving to Kelowna from Vancouver

With the price of real estate in the Greater Vancouver Area having been on the rise for some time, more and more people are looking to Kelowna as a place to call home. Moving from Vancouver to Kelowna offers a variety of benefits depending on your situation. For those with equity in their Vancouver are home, a move to Kelowna can provide you with a reduced mortgage or more available liquid capital for other investments or an enhanced lifestyle. Then there are those who simply can't get into the real estate market; there are thousands of young families who struggle just to make rental payments, let alone save for a down payment on a $1M+ family home. I'm not suggesting real estate prices in Kelowna are not at record highs - they are, but we definitely are not at the point where Vancouver is. 

Indigenous World Winery Pickup Party

Yesterday, Sarah and I attended our first Pickup Party at Indigenous World Winery. A little over a month ago my brother and his partner were visiting from Toronto and we took them on a West Kelowna wine tour which included Indigenous. We had a fantastic tasting experience and left absolutely in love with a number of their wines.

4 Things People Won’t Tell You About the Beautiful Okanagan

Have you been thinking about moving to the Okanagan Valley? It’s an increasingly popular choice for people from across Canada looking for a change. There are so many excellent reasons to move to Kelowna and the Okanagan Valley! However, like any other location, there are always some less-than-perfect aspects. The following are four things people won’t tell you about the beautiful Okanagan Valley and the City of Kelowna. They won’t stop you from wanting to make the move, but knowing them will make sure you don’t have any surprise and might even help you choose the right neighbourhood.

Grow Your Own Vegetable Garden in Kelowna

Do you live in a condominium, apartment, or townhouse, or property with a small yard, and wish you could have a garden but don't have the space?

Little did I know, the City of Kelowna partnered with the Central Okanagan Community Garden Society to provide community gardens within the city of Kelowna.

5 Indoor Activities for Families this Winter

Has the cold weather got the best of you or your children? There are plenty of fun winter activities but sometimes you just get tired of being out in the cold or the jackets, snow pants, and gloves are still soaking wet. Here are 5 fun indoor activities for your entire family to enjoy when you just need a break from the cold air and wet snow. 

Childcare in Kelowna and the Okanagan

There are more than 140 licensed child care providers in Kelowna and surrounding area. For various reason, that doesn’t always mean there are vacancies. Researching and planning for your child care in advance will definitely give you a better chance of getting your child into the program of your choosing. There are currently 63 providers showing vacancies across all age groups.